3 tips to handle the daily information overflow

What the hell is happening? You work and you learn and above all the things that really matters in your life you get a daily overflow of information. How to deal with this? First I wanna share with you my insights. At the end of the day I am tired and all I wanna do is relax my brain and body, be still for a few hours, watch a show or movie and go to bed. And in weekends take a breath and enjoy the free days. But what is true? Instead I keep reading and go for a walk, work in my home and before I know it I am tired once again. Why is that I wondered? I want to learn a lot of things in life before I die and nowadays we have a lot of information on internet, in books, and even outdoors. All the time we are blinded by so many people, publicity and information. Last week I went several times into the Woods and spend an hour in nature to calm down. It worked out just fine and this week I will do the same. But still I have to be carefull with the overload even if the temp...