
Showing posts from September, 2016

What about SEX?

What about it? Is this really about sex? Sex is like money, you need it and still you don't like to talk about it. Instead you laugh or you flirt. Or you cry and you have sorrows about it. SEX and MONEY, what a mess it can be in your life. And still they are both our basic needs and the shame is so big to talk about it that it sometimes makes you sick. It causes pain and disasters in our lives. Try asking today to someone what he or she wants to say about SEX. Try a little survey if you dare. You will be surprised about the answers and non-verbal behaviour. May I take you in a  conversation about SEX? Once I was not ashamed at all to talk about it and I saw the lights in others their eyes when I mentionned SEX. So it is truly so human that our eyes shine more than you talk for instance about the weather. Who cares about the weather? Damn, SEX is interesting, is not it? But you also know it can be a pleasure most of the time but on the othe...

Everywhere arise the same problems

Yes, the whole world has to deal with the same problems. From the beginning of humankind untill today in the "new and creative age", people are still very afraid of uncertainty, failure and poverty. And especially of terror, the worst fear of them all. Nobody wants to be captured and killed on the street by bombs. We thought we had it all under control and we are save in our own houses and country, but what is left of it??? Nothing is certain anymore, nothing! And that's why we have to deal with our fears more than ever. To all the people in the world who are victims of terror , help each other by listening and caring. Be strong and wise, don't put your anger into an inner war. Deal with your fear by being there for someone in need. Even if you have no family left, there are still others to help or help you.  At this moment in my life I inspire you and others to build an inner strenght and to deal with the brutal way of living right now in t...

Being authentic is one of the conditions for empathic communication

There is no better teacher than life and no better leadership lessons than what you’ve learned from experience, In a society roided-out on bling, cash, ego, nakedness and status we have lost our authenticity. We have lost morals and what it means to be ourselves. So many are caught up in following the crowd they have gotten lost in it. How can any type of true success come from being a follower? Followers are lost to their authenticity and are chasers of “status” and “wealth.” Followers are competitive, insecure and consistently positioning and provoking to one-up each other. The stand-out successes we all admire are not in the crowd, they aren’t chasing cash, or being cool. It doesn’t mean they don’t love nice things or indulge in them; it means they approach success from a different mindset. Read more on the inspirational Belgian Network blog

Inspiration out of the big world

Networking can help you land your dream job , make a successful career change and meet amazing, like-minded people. But if you’re an introvert or ambivert who finds being around people exhausting, having to do it can be super tough (meeting a ton of new people and  small talk?), even though you know it’ll be good for your career. To get some smart suggestions on how the quieter half can handle the situation, we reached out to Amy K. Hall , a Brooklyn, NY-based career and life coach who specializes in personal growth and leadership. Keep reading for Amy’s six tips for introverts that’ll totally help you rock the next networking event you go to. Read more