Being authentic is one of the conditions for empathic communication

There is no better teacher than life and no better leadership lessons than what you’ve learned from experience,
In a society roided-out on bling, cash, ego, nakedness and status we have lost our authenticity. We have lost morals and what it means to be ourselves. So many are caught up in following the crowd they have gotten lost in it. How can any type of true success come from being a follower? Followers are lost to their authenticity and are chasers of “status” and “wealth.” Followers are competitive, insecure and consistently positioning and provoking to one-up each other. The stand-out successes we all admire are not in the crowd, they aren’t chasing cash, or being cool. It doesn’t mean they don’t love nice things or indulge in them; it means they approach success from a different mindset.

Read more on the inspirational Belgian Network blog


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