How to integrate empathy in your daily communication?

Empathy is recommended to be used in your network activities.

You will have a long relationship with your upline and downline and so know these people very well.

What do you already know?

Off course you know they have children and how they look like.

But showing empathy means caring about who they really are, even accept their differences.

How to integrate this in your daily communication?


Put your goals aside for 10 minutes and listen to others what they need and care about.
Use ears, eyes and your HEART.


Tell your own story off course and make room in it for other stories.

Tell others everyone is welcome in your life for a greater purpose in life, doing someting together is worth more while than being a loner.


Watch out for your EGO!

If you think all of the time at your income, your goal settings and how beautifull you are, people around you will hate you for that, at least after a while.

It is not always about you, remember that all of the time.

Especially when your stars are sensitive people and wanna work hard. They feel anger in themselves, when you use your EGO in front of them.

You will risk they want to be part of another company.

Just be kind to yourself, and integrate those 3 empathy tips in your daily communication as a try out, to get closer to your upline, downline and new opportunities.


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