How long does it take to have a better lifestyle?

2 weeks?

A month?

3 months?

Maybe one year?

I have several questions for you, may I?

What do you want to achieve in your life, which lifestyle do you prefer and how long do you want to invest in it?

Be your own architect

There are always several questions rising up concerning time and a better lifestyle, why is that?

I guess it is an individual perspective of life. So you need to have a plan like an architect who is building bridges, houses and buildings. The professional architect has a plan, and often not one but several, even thousands of them. Don't expect your lifestyle will completely change in one day, it will change in small quantities as days passes.

How does time work for my changes?

First you will have to notice these small quantities again and again, over and over again....

Then after a period of time the big difference is in front of you and sometimes told by others surrounding you. You tend to forget there is a big change in your life due to the little steps in change.

But how long is that period to have a better lifestyle?

Let us come back on the words, it depends on your perspective of the change you want to see!

Imagine you are the architect and you have to make a plan for your changes.

What do you own already?

Therefore you need to make a basic plan.

Items like these ones are in it:

a roof above your head, a flat, a house
a good health


a job
a study
a start-up

Describe in detail your basic things in life, as well your poverty in some items.

Now it is time to develop this plan with new opportunities.

This is called the "evolution plan".

a better place to live
a better health
a new study
family expansion
a full time entrepreneur

All your wishes must be in the "evolution" plan.

You rewrite this plan over and over again untill you have the changes in detail. The more specified it is, the sooner the change will appear.

And last but not least, the time you need for the changes depends on your evolution plan.

For each change you draw a timeline. So you got it, the bigger the changes you want to see in your life the longer the period is. When you have a team or friends who are working with you on the changes, it will go faster. Make a good calculation every week to see your progress.

Good luck with your plan(s)!

I like to hear from you the changes you went through.

Or do you want to share your life changes in my blog?
Feel free to send your experience to me and I will publish it for free.

All the best!


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